Pontcanna Wild Flower meadow
Cardiff Meadows Project/Ymgyrch Dolydd Caerdydd is aimed at providing essential habitat for threatened pollinators and declining mammals such as hedgehogs.
This enterprise follows on from the Society’s thriving tree planting campaign, Canopy Cardiff/Canopi Caerdydd – run in partnership with Cardiff Council.
Also working with Cardiff Council, the mowing cycle on the land near the allotments and Cardiff Riding School was changed to allow the existing wild flowers to flourish. Meadows take time to establish, but area is now full of plantlife such as bird’s foot trefoil, red clover, and orchids. The success of Pontcanna Meadow means that the project will be rolled out throughout the city.
Orchids on Pontcanna wildflower meadow
The natural world is under greater threat than ever before in human history. Wildlife meadows can help create a vital habitat for nature, as well as providing an area of calm in a busy, growing city where the residents can enjoy a sense of well-being.
For further information, please contact Nerys Lloyd-Pierce on chair@cardiffcivicsociety.org and Julia Barrell on jsbarrell@hotmail.com and Jane Williams on janemadox@yahoo.co.uk