Deleting sites from list before voting ‘cynical’ - #LlandaffNorth #TheFram

News article from S Wales Echo
  • 3 May 2022

  • MARTIN SHIPTON Political editor-at-large

CARDIFF council has been accused of behaving in a “deeply cynical” way by removing areas from a list of potential development sites in the run-up to Thursday’s local government election.

Nerys Lloyd-Pierce, who chairs the Cardiff Civic Society heritage and conservation group, said The Fram in Llandaff North and Gabalfa Park were proposed as candidate sites for housing by the council late last year.

She added: “Now, as the election approaches, both have been removed from the register.

“This seems like a deeply cynical move.

“No doubt if the old guard get back in, the two sites will reappear on the list of sites for development in due course.”

Residents of Llandaff North describe The Fram as “a much loved green space at Colwinstone Close”.

Ms Lloyd-Pierce said: “All Cardiff council-owned candidate sites were removed from the candidate site register in February 2022 for reasons that are unclear.

“When we queried this with the council’s Local Development Plan office, we were told that sites like The Fram may be re-added to the candidate register in October 2022.

“The Fram is an important green space which is vital to biodiversity, wildlife and the health and wellbeing of hundreds of residents of the surrounding streets and beyond.

“It also provides a safe area for local children to play without having to cross busy main roads and venture further from home to other parts of Llandaff North to access a park.

“Additionally, it contains a network of well-used footpaths which provide the residents of Llandaff North with traffic-free active travel routes to Whitchurch’s shops and schools and Llandaff North allotments.

A petition organised by resident Paul Rock calls on the council to protect The Fram from development and to ensure the site continues as it is so its nature can be enjoyed by the public.

A Cardiff council spokesman responded: “Candidate site registers are documents liable to change and it is not unusual for sites to appear or to be removed at different stages.

“The document in question – which contained council-owned land – was initially for councillors’ information. It had no status and required further consideration by the council.

For this reason all council-owned sites were withdrawn from the document.

“It is at the preferred strategy consultation stage, later in the year, that consultation on the candidate sites register will take place.

“At this time recommendations will be made on which council-owned sites – if any – are suitable to be added to the register for consultation with the public.”



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